Adore Your Health: No Sweet for a Week

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and no matter how much I keep tell myself that my shopping excursions have been burning tons of calories I have to face the facts. The holiday’s are not good on the waistline. 

Therefore I am doing a sweet treat detox. Chocolate is pretty much my life. Instead of just having one sweet tooth, my whole mouth is a gold mine of sweet teeth. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, so starting tomorrow I am giving up sweets for one week. Now this may be hard, this may be tough but I know I can do it. No sweets. None. Not even one chocolate morsel that I embarrassingly keep in my fridge. 

For all of you out there in cyberspace I wish you luck this holiday season and even though you may not go to the extremes of giving up that pecan pie, portion control does wonders. 

Wish me luck and Happy Holidays!