Adore Your Life: Dedicate Yourself to a Hobby

After graduating from college and experiencing “the real world” I thought it was time to think of what I really enjoy out of life, other than thinking about school 24/7.

Writing, fashion, and being healthy are all passions of mine, but I wanted to find something new that I felt just as passionate about to add to that list.

Photography has always been one of those things that I’ve taken classes on and enjoy doing, but have never really taken the time to become good at. I love going on Facebook and Pintrest and seeing not just pictures, but pictures that have been planned and thought out.

My goal is to take photographs that go above and beyond the ordinary and share them with all of you through this blog and my other social platforms, and turn photography into a passion of mine.

I challenge you to take that one thing in your life that you are just okay at and become great at it. Who knows maybe it will unlock doors to possibilities you have never dreamed of.

What is something you would love to be more passionate about?

Adore Your Health: In Honor of the Olympics Make a Goal and Go For It!

Being a runner I have never really set a goal for myself. I run to relieve stress, think about my day, and of course to stay healthy.

For one hour it is my shoes against the pavement and nothing to stop me. 

The Olympic Games in London that are currently taking place have given me motivation to take my love for running to a whole new level and train for a half marathon. Seeing each athlete so driven to complete the ultimate success has given me the courage to take my love and passion one step further. Using the website I have full access to a day by day training program that will get me to reach my goal of running a half marathon. 

Keep checking back for updates on my progress! 

I challenge you to take something that you love and be creative in creating a goal and make a plan to accomplish it. And don’t forget to tell me about it!