
Lynn Picture

Hi everyone! I’m Lynn, a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison majoring in Life Science Communications, with a love for fashion, running, chocolate and like almost everyone I try to eat right (try being the key word there).

Growing up on a dairy farm in rural Wisconsin people always think that I am a typical farm girl, but most of my friends would say I am the exact opposite. I know how to get my hands dirty, but I also have a passion for fashion from ready-to-wear styles to high fashion design.

I am constantly reading up on the next thing to keep me healthy or the new trends for the season all while on a limited schedule and budget. Through this blog I  want to help to create a new perspective on trends and ideas seen online and in magazines and share some insights that I have acquired over my lifetime. This blog will focus on three areas in my life that I Adore!

Adore Your Style (Fashion and Decor Inspirations)

Adore Your Body (Health, Recipes and  Beauty Tips)

Adore Your Life (The trend/idea I Adore Most that Week)

All in all I’m just a small town girl with a goal to live in the big city, and that means living on a budget without cutting out the sweet things in life.



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